About The Speaker
Catarina Resende de Oliveira
President of the Agency for Clinical Research and Biomedical Innovation (AICIB).
Catarina Resende de Oliveira (Coimbra, 1946) is a Portuguese doctor, neurologist and scientist who has been dedicated to studying the processes that cause the neurological degeneration responsible for diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. She was part of the Directorate of the Innovation and Development Unit of the Hospital Center of the University of Coimbra. She was President of the Center for Neurosciences and Cell Biology at the University of Coimbra, and of the Scientific Council for Life and Health Sciences at the Foundation for Science and Technology. Coordinated the consortium that brings together the Center for Neurosciences and Cell Biology and IBILI, and is President of the Agency for Clinical Research and Biomedical Innovation (AICIB).